3 Things to do near the Hotel Riu Guanacaste

You booked at the great Hotel Riu Guanacaste and you need to know now what you can do nearby this hotel. First of all, you need to know that Guanacaste is one of the most beautiful provinces of Costa Rica. It has several beautiful beaches and in its capital, it is Liberia and its international airport. Continue Reading →

Cheapest Airport Transfers

If you are looking for airport transfers in Costa Rica, we present you a list of the cheapest ones for the Guanacaste province. Having a transfer service is a priority when traveling to Costa Rica, from the moment of your arrival to the moment of your departure, a private transportation can make the whole experience easier and funnier. Continue Reading →

Costa Rica Vacations: Everything you need to know before traveling

Your Costa Rica Vacations will be unforgettable because this country is a place full of natural parks, beautiful beaches full of life and color. This earthly paradise is located in the heart of Central America and is caressed by the Caribbean Sea on its east coast and by the Pacific Ocean in the West. Continue Reading →

Adventure tours Costa Rica: unique places full of nature

There are many ways to explore a tropical country, but the best one is through Adventure tours Costa Rica. So, if you love the nature and the animals you will like the tours that Costa Rica Best Trips offers on its webpage. For that reason, we have chosen two fantastic tours of its list to you can know more about Costa Rica. Continue Reading →

Discovering the Best National Park Tour and its charms

There are many interesting national parks in Costa Rica, but surely you should be wondering which National Park tour is the best. Well, this is a very hard question to answer, for that reason, we have chosen one of the most famous tours in Costa Rica according to tourism statistics obtained this year by some experts. Continue Reading →

Enjoy Costa Rica family vacations with private transportation

There is nothing better than enjoying Costa Rica family vacations with the most efficient private transportation. Thanks to Costa Rica Best Trips, you will have the opportunity to know the most amazing places and savages routes of Costa Rica. They offer private transportation for you and your family or group of friends. Continue Reading →